What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction (or Spiritual Companioning), very different than counseling and psychotherapy, is the act of one person (the spiritual director/companion) acting as a witness, support, and companion for another (the directee) on their spiritual journey. While most often other healing professions are one person helping the other with their problems or issues going on in his/her life, Spiritual Direction is more concerned with the ups and the downs of everyday life and the presence of the sacred that is found in that.

The director does not seek to “fix” or to diagnose, but to ask questions and help you pay attention to the leadings of the spirit and help find direction or clarity.

While founded in the first few centuries of Christianity, spiritual direction has become a very significant practice for many diverse spiritual paths. I have worked with those from the Christian tradition, yogic tradition, Buddhist tradition, and the “not-quite-sure” tradition. All have found our times together to be extremely beneficial in growing their spiritual practice and sense of calling and purpose in their communities.

I offer spiritual direction in person and through skype, zoom, email, and phone.

For more clarification, please take a look at “Clarifying the Spiritual Direction Relationship.”

For clarification and “assumptions” regarding phone and Skype conversations, please take a look at “Foundational understandings For Non face to face Direction.”

Spiritual Directors International also has some good definitions of Spiritual Direction.

Contact for more information:

If you have more questions or would like to meet for direction you can find more information HERE.