House Keeping and Confidentiality

Our journey together, while focused on you and your experiences, is impacted by my journey as well. I consider myself always in process, so your feedback is always welcome as to what is serving you and what isn’t. Part of this process for me is taking responsibility to reflect on my own experience with a supervisor. This is something that all spiritual directors take very seriously. Please know, though, that our conversations are very sacred to me and you will be kept in absolute anonymity and confidentiality. I am also required to report anything that would cause physical, emotional, or sexual harm to a minor or elderly.

Our focus will be on your life experience, and your own encounter with God. If we reach a point where my listening and guidance does not serve you, I will work with you to find someone who can be of better assistance. This is not counseling, that being a conversation between two people in the presence of the Spirit, regarding things you would like to overcome. Spiritual Direction is a conversation with you and the Spirit, in the presence of another person (me) who can help you pay closer attention to the places you are being led and invited to step into.

If you have more questions or would like to meet for direction you can find more information HERE.